National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
If you or a loved one is contemplating suicide, help is available. The National Prevention Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
Local providers for each UROHC County where you can get immediate assistance to begin the journey to recovery:
Your local medical providers are an excellent source for emergency care and to help you with navigating the resources that are available to you for Opioid Use Disorder related care.
Beaver County Residents
Beaver Valley Hospital ER
(435) 438-7100,
1109 N 100 W, Beaver, UT
Milford Valley Memorial Hospital
(435) 387-2411,
850 N Main St., Milford UT 84751
Southwest Behavioral Health
(435) 438-5537
75 1175 N, Beaver, UT 84713
Iron County Residents​
Family Healthcare Clinic
(435) 865-1387
245 E 680 S, Cedar City, UT 84720
Cedar City Hospital
(435) 868-5000
1303 N Main St., Cedar City, UT 84721
Southwest Behavioral Health
(435) 867-7654
245 E 680 S, Cedar City, UT 84720
Carbon County Residents
Four Corners Carbon County Clinic
(435) 637-2358
575 E 100 S, Price, UT 84501
Castleview Hospital
(435) 637-4800
300 North Hospital Dr., Price, UT 84501
Carbon County Medical Helper Clinic
(435) 472-7000
125 S Main St., Helper, UT 84526
East Carbon Medical Clinic
(435) 888-4411
341 Circle Way, Sunnyside, UT, 84539
Emery County Residents
Four Corners Emery County Clinic
(435) 381-2432
45 E 100 S, Castle Dale, UT 84513
Emery Medical Center
(435) 381-2305
90 W Main St. Castle Dale, UT 84513
Grand County Residents
Moab Regional Hospital Recovery Clinic
(435) 719-5585
450 Williams Way, Moab, UT 84532
Green River Medical Center
(435) 564-3434
585 Main St., Green River, UT 84525
Four Corners Grand County Clinic
(435) 259-6163
198 E Center St. Moab, UT 84532
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness (USARA)
USARA assists individuals with navigating the resources in regard to what is the next step to recovery? A coach will present an individual with different detox, treatment and/or support options in order for the individual to make an informed decision and plan for what is most appropriate. Coaches are available to come
USARA Beaver/Iron/Washington County Office
(435) 319-880
113 E 200 N, Suite 1, St. George, UT 84770-3253
USARA Carbon/Emery County Office
(385) 707-3785
67 E Main St., Price, UT 84501
USARA Grand County Office
(435) 259-6131 ext 443
198 E Center St. Moab, UT 84532

Get Help
This page is designed to provide immediate help for the first steps to getting help for Opioid Use Disorder. If you or a loved one is experiencing a medical emergency, including a drug overdose, please call 9-1-1 immediately.